By H.P. Lovecraft
Illustrated by Pete Von Sholly
Introduction by S.T.
Dustjacket Text
A tale of the hills and caves of Vermont which are the secret home of a race of beings from the
black planet, Yuggoth, and a man who stumbles upon their stunning secrets.
—Pete Von Sholly
- Introduction by S.T. Joshi
- Foreword by Ramsey Campbell
- The Whisperer in Darkness by H.P. Lovecraft
- The Whisperer of Images by Pete Von Sholly
- The Pseudo-Akeley: The Tale of Two Brothers by Robert M. Price
- Cloaked in Darkness by Robert M. Price
- Cosmic Trickery by W. H. Pugmire
Bibliographic Information
The Whisperer in Darkness. By H.P. Lovecraft, illustrated by Pete Von Sholly,
introduction by S.T. Joshi. Hornsea, England: PS Publishing; 2015; ISBN 978-1-848637-39-9;
jacketed hardcover.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in hardcover from or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher, PS Publishing.