By H. P. Lovecraft
Edited with an Afterword by Stephen Jones and
illustrated by Les Edwards
From the End Material
HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT was born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1890. A life-long antiquarian
who had an interest in astronomy, his early work was initially published in the amateur press.
His tales of horror and the macabre did not see print professionally until the early 1920s, and
even then the bulk of his work appeared in such pulp magazines as Weird Tales, along with
a handful of hardcover anthologies. A voluminous letter-writer, the only book of his fiction
published during his lifetime was the privately printed Shadow Over Innsmouth (1936).
Following his untimely death in 1937, Lovecraft’s work was initially kept in print by
Arkham House publishers and today his fiction – notably the influential Cthulhu Mythos
– is known all over the world and forms the basis for countless books, movies, comics,
collectibles and role-playing games.
STEPHEN JONES is one of Britain’s most acclaimed anthologists of horror and dark fantasy.
He has nearly 100 books to his credit, and has won numerous awards. You can visit his web site
LES EDWARDS is an award-winning artist who has established himself as a stalwart of the British
fantasy, horror and science fiction illustration scene in a career spanning more than thirty
years. You can visit his web site at
Bibliographic Information
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft. By H.P. Lovecraft, edited with
an Afterword by Stephen Jones, and illustrated by Les Edwards. London: Gollancz; 2008; ISBN
978-0-57508-1-567 (hardcover) or 978-0-57508-1-574 (paperback); 880 pages.
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