By H.P. Lovecraft
Edited by David E. Schultz and S. T. Joshi
Back Cover Text
Throughout his life, H. P. Lovecraft corresponded with a wide array of correspondents—in
the amateur journalism movement, the world of pulp magazines, and elsewhere. This volume contains
small batches of letters to these correspondents. A major inclusion is the surviving correspondence
of two round-robin groups, the Kleicomolo and the Gallomo, wherein Lovecraft expatiates on his
cosmic philosophy. Also included here are letters to C. M. Eddy and his wife, friends and
colleagues in Providence; the few scraps of surviving letters to his future wife, Sonia H. Greene;
letters to such pulpsmiths as Seabury Quinn and Carl Jacobi; and a significant tranche of letters
to the little-known Robert Hartley Michael, to whom Lovecraft presented an encapsulated
autobiography and also elucidated the incantation included in “The Horror at Red Hook.”
This volume also contains letters published in Lovecraft’s lifetime. These include letters
he sent on a broad range of topics to the Providence Journal (on astronomy, band concerts,
the hollow-earth theory, etc.); his notorious letters to the Munsey magazines attacking the romance
stories of Fred Jackson; his debates on science with Orville L. Leach and J. F. Hartmann; and
letters to the Haldeman-Julius Weekly on his personal philosophy.
All told, these letters present the full spectrum of Lovecraft’s intellectual and literary
interests, affording rare glimpses into his evolving character. All documents have been
meticulously edited and annotated by David E. Schultz and S. T. Joshi.
- Introduction (4 pages)
- Miscellaneous Letters
- To the Kleicomolo (50 pages)
- To the Gallomo (68 pages)
- To Jonathan E. Hoag (7 pages)
- To Henriette Ziegfeld (2 pages)
- To John Ravenor Bullen (3 pages)
- To Myrta Alice Little (8 pages)
- To Victor E. Bacon (2 pages)
- To C. M. and Muriel Eddy (21 pages)
- To Sonia H. Greene (10 pages)
- [Nietzscheism and Realism]
- [Lovecraft on Love]
- To Harry Houdini (1 page)
- To the Homeland Company (1 page)
- [Letter Seeking Employment] (3 pages)
- To Edgar J. Davis (2 pages)
- To George W. Kirk (2 pages)
- To Leonard E. Tilden (1 page)
- To William Bryant (3 pages)
- To Robert Hartley Michael (22 pages)
- To W. Chesley Worthington (2 pages)
- To William Stanley Braithwaite (2 pages)
- To Lee Alexander Stone (2 pages)
- To H. Warner Munn (5 pages)
- To Earl C. Kelley (1 page)
- To Henry George Weiss (13 pages)
- To Seabury Quinn (2 pages)
- To Carl Swanson (3 pages)
- To Carl Jacobi (2 pages)
- To Kirk Mashburn (1 page)
- With Harold S. Farnese (22 pages)
- To Edwin Hadley Smith (2 pages)
- To Allan G. Ullman (4 pages)
- To Charles D. Hornig (21 pages)
- To John H. Birss (3 pages)
- To Anthony Pryor (1 page)
- To Lloyd Arthur Eshbach (5 pages)
- To George W. Macauley (10 pages)
- To the Coryciani (28 pages)
- To W. G. Bautz (7 pages)
- To Ernest A. Edkins (3 pages)
- To Alvin Earl Perry (5 pages)
- To Julius Schwartz (2 pages)
- To Forrest J Ackerman (2 pages)
- To Mrs. H. H. Hughes (6 pages)
- To James Blish and William Miller, Jr. (2 pages)
- To Earl Peirce, Jr. (4 pages)
- To Robert A. W. Lowndes (12 pages)
- To Ben Abramson (3 pages)
- To Arthur Widner (3 pages)
- Published Letters (131 pages)
- Long Distance Predictions: Weather Guessers Willing to Take Any Sort of Chances and Trust to Providence
- To the Providence Sunday Journal
- No Transit of Mars
- The Earth Not Hollow
- Letters between H. P. Lovecraft and Orville L. Leach
- About the Vacuum
- Heat and Radiant Energy
- Scientists at War
- Vacuums, Wave Lengths, Etc.
- Holes in the Ether
- Waves in the Ether
- Matter the Deficiency of Mass
- Venus and the Public Eye
- Seats for Park Concerts
- To the Scientific American
- To the New-York Tribune
- Letters to the Munsey Magazines
- [A Few Lines about “Fishhead”]
- Objects to Jackson
- Ad Criticos
- Liber Primus
- Liber Secundus
- Correction for Lovecraft
- For England and the All-Story
- To the All-Story
- Letters between H. P. Lovecraft and J. F. Hartmann
- Astrology and the European War
- Science versus Charlatanry
- [Letter to the Editor]
- The Falsity of Astrology
- Astrology and the Future
- The Science of Astrology
- Delavan’s Comet and Astrology
- A Defense of Astrology
- The Fall of Astrology
- [Isaac Bickerstaffe’s Reply]
- To Gavin T. McColl
- To Charles W. Smith
- To the Bureau of Critics
- To the Omaha World-Herald/Daily Bee
- To John Milton Heins
- To the Board of Executive Judges, NAPA
- To the Members of N.A.P.A
- To the Gothamite
- To the Ohio Amateur Journalists’ Club
- To the Haldeman-Julius Weekly
- To Edna Hyde
- To the Editor of the Providence Sunday Journal
- Asks Preservation of Old Buildings
- The Old Brick Row
- Save the Old Brick Row
- To Dragnet
- To “The Sideshow”
- To the Exeter [NH] News-Letter
- To Vincent B. Haggerty
- Report of the Executive Judges
- To the Convention of the National Amateur Press Association, 22 June 1936
- Addenda (16 pages)
- Leaf from letter to Elizabeth Toldridge
- To Clark Ashton Smith
- To Unknown
- To Wilfred B. Talman
- To Emil Petaja
- To Howard Wandrei
- Appendix (2 pages)
- Sources for Lovecraft’s Letters (3 pages)
- Lovecraft’s Published Letters (3 pages)
- Glossary of Frequently Mentioned Names (7 pages)
- Bibliography (15 pages)
- Index (15 pages)
Bibliographic Information
H. P. Lovecraft: Miscellaneous Letters. By H. P. Lovecraft, edited by David E. Schultz
and S. T. Joshi. New York, NY: Hippocampus Press; 2022; ISBN 978-1-61498-373-6; softcover,
600 pages.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in paperback from or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher, Hippocampus Press.