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Lovecraftian Art

Many artists have been inspired to create their own interpretations of Lovecraft’s horrific creations.


Specific Artists

Paul Carrick
Much of Paul’s work has appeared in such places as Chaosium’s “Call of Cthulhu,” Mind Venture’s “Don’t Look Back: Terror is Never Far Behind,” and Pagan Publishing’s The Unspeakable Oath.
Dave Carson
Dave has illustrated a number of Lovecraftian publications and has even ventured into the medium of sculpture.
John Coulthart
John’s otherworldly adaptations of Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Dunwich Horror”, and “The Haunter of the Dark” are visually arresting.
Lee Brown Coye
Lee illustrated numerous Arkham House editions of Lovecraft’s work.
H.R. Giger
This Academy Award-winning artist claims to be influenced by Lovecraft, and yet his number of explicitly Lovecraftian pieces of art are very few.
Stephen Hickman
Stephen is probably best known in the field of Lovecraftian art for his cover art for the Robert E. Howard collection, Cthulhu, the Mythos, and Kindred Horrors. He has gone on to translate this illustration into a statue.
Allen Koszowski
Allen’s work consists primarily of black-and-white pen and ink drawings although his works do include “a touch of color.” One of his online galleries consists entirely of Lovecraftian artwork.
Francois Launet
Francois’ acrylics have a Gigeresque look to them and their lack of definition in the subjects make them all the eerier. Check out Francois’ extensive page of Lovecraft artwork.
Bryan Moore
Bryan is probably best known for his bust and statue of H.P. Lovecraft, as well as for his idol of Cthulhu which appeared in the film, “The Call of Cthulhu”.
Rowena Morrill
Rowena created some fantastic cover illustrations for the paperback editions of The Dunwich Horror and The Colour Out of Space.
Tom Sullivan
Numerous Chaosium publications were illustrated by Tom. He’s also well-known for his work on Sam Raimi’s “Evil Dead” series of films.
Pete Von Sholly
Pete is “an artist/writer/producer/director with an emphasis on the fantastic side of the arts.” His Lovecraft Illustrated is a 200-page collection of over 325 illustrations of Lovecraft’s stories and is available in both hardcover and softcover.
Michael Whelan
Michael created two (mostly black-and-white) covers for Del Rey’s paperback editions of Lovecraft, which were then chopped up for seven separate books. The two panels are called Lovecraft’s Nightmare A and Lovecraft’s Nightmare B.
  Return to Popular Culture This page last revised 15 December 2018.
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