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This portion of the alt.horror.cthulhu FAQ was brought to you by Donovan K. Loucks (webmaster@hplovecraft.com).

  • Q: What board/card games are available based on Lovecraft or the Mythos?

    A: Although the “Call of Cthulhu” role-playing game is the primary form of Lovecraftian gaming, HPL’s influence has crept into other forms of games.

    • “Arkham Horror” (Chaosium 1050). Arkham Horror (sometimes referred to as the “board game version of Call of Cthulhu”) is a game for 1 to 8 players who move about the streets and buildings of Arkham, Mass., trying to close ‘gates’ that are opening in the space/time continuum. The catch is that monsters are pouring through those gates, making the streets particularly dangerous. Plus, closing gates requires the player to go through the gate (into some dangerous ‘outer world’), survive for 2 turns, return, and physically and/or magically blast the gate closed (sometimes tough).

      Although Arkham Horror was an overnight success, Chaosium has chosen to turn its back on this game. It is out of print, and Chaosium has no plans to bring it back, even though people are asking for it to be reprinted. Chaosium is also flatly rejecting any submissions for ‘expansions’ to Arkham Horror, even though (at least) two have been completely developed and submitted.

    • “Creatures & Cultists” (Pagan Publishing PAG2000). Includes 128 cards, 8 play sheets, and is for 3 to 5 players. “Our furiously fuggly card game is now available everywhere-fast, funny, and full of Cthulhoid delights! From 3-5 players take the roles of Cthulhu cultists, bent on world domination. Each player sends out their thugs, sorcerers, and monsters to obliterate the enemy. Special event cards like Suck The Presidents Brain and the notorious Girl Scout Raid add to the wacko mix” - Taken from the Pagan Publishing Catalog

    • “Dark Cults” (Dark House Publishing). This is a storytelling card game from 1983, written by Kenneth Rahman. The game is moody, and light on mechanics. The fantastic black and white artwork on the cards is also by Rahman (using the pseudonym “Eymoth”) and is worth the cost of the game itself. The logo for Dark House bears more than a passing resemblance to that of Arkham House.

    • “Illuminati” (Steve Jackson). Illuminati is a table top card game based around the concept of secretive illuminati groups plotting world domination. One of the standard illuminati groups are “The Servants of Cthulhu,” their objective being to destroy 8 ‘regular’ (non-illuminati) groups.

    • “Illuminati: New World Order” (Steve Jackson Games)

    • “Macho Women with Guns” (Blacksburg Tactical Research Center). Role-playing table-top board wargame (huh?). Perhaps the ultimate spoof game, it includes dread Bthulhu (illustrated wearing shorts & shades, & carrying a surfboard - horrifying!) and the fearsome Isaac Azathoth as monsters. A supplement includes a scenario in which the heroines are transported to Ryleh [sic - I think I got that right] and must fight their way back to the beach without being turned into Monster Chow (TM) or - horror of horrors - chipping their nail-polish.

    • “Mythos” (Chaosium). Mythos is Chaosium’s venture into the collectible card game market. Just as Arkham Horror is considered the “board game version of Call of Cthulhu,” Mythos is the card game version. Cards are distributed in 60-card starter decks and 13-card booster packs. The starter decks are formed from a 200-card starter set of cards, while the boosters are formed from a combination of the starter set and the booster sets. The three booster sets are titled Expeditions of Miskatonic University, Cthulhu Rising, and Legends of the Necronomicon. An independent set of cards, The Dreamlands, will also be available.

  • Q: What role-playing games are available based on Lovecraft or the Mythos or have incorporated specific names/elements of the Mythos into the game?

    A: Several role-playing games have Lovecraftian elements incorporated into them, but only one, “Call of Cthulhu,” centers itself in Lovecraft’s dark universe. Many of the games and supplements below can be had for sale or auction in the rec.games.frp.marketplace newsgroup.

    • “Call of Cthulhu” (Chaosium) - Call of Cthulhu is the only ‘role-playing’ game devoted to the mythos. There are primarily 3 time frames that this game is set in (depending on your preference):

      1890’s - “Cthulhu by Gaslight” or just “Gaslight”
      1920’s - “Call of Cthulhu” (the original game)
      1990’s - “Cthulhu Now”

      In addition, there is one other ‘setting’ which is used (not in time, but in place):

      “Dreamlands” - based upon the dreamlands setting created by Lovecraft, et al.

      The basic premise of this game is that players act out (verbally, in general; some interactive role-playing might be used) the parts of “investigators” in a world where cults of evil humans, and strange monsters of both indigenous and outer-worldly origin are trying to bring about the re-emergence of the imprisoned Old Ones (or Great Old Ones). The actions of all game elements, besides those of the players, are controlled by the “Keeper of Arcane Secrets” (or “Keeper”). The ultimate goal of the investigators is to discover, and thwart, the evil minions of the Old Ones, without dying a horribly mutilating death, or going irrevocably insane.

    • 6070 - GURPS (“Generic Universal RolePlaying System”) CthulhuPunk (Steve Jackson Games) - A supplement called ‘CthulhuPunk’ was released in late March of 1995. It is a cross between “Call of Cthulhu” and GURPS Cyberpunk, using the GURPS system. Chapters include “The Cthulhu Mythos,” “The CthulhuPunk World,” “Characters,” “The CthulhuPunk Campaign,” “Investigators,” “Cultists,” “Mythos Bestiary,” “Adventure Seeds,” and “Conversions.”

    • Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (TSR) - AD&D is not devoted to the Cthulhu Mythos, but rather to fantasy/medieval adventuring. However, their first printing of a book called “Deities and Demigods” contained AD&D game statistics for the “Cthulhu Mythos.” While the list is pretty inconsistent with what Call of Cthulhu players (and Lovecraft readers in general) feel, it is still interesting for some DMs to throw a “shoggoth” into the forray on occasion, to keep players on their toes.

    • “Toon” (Steve Jackson) - The “Tooniversal Tour Guide” (Steve Jackson Games, supplement to TOON cartoon role-playing game) contains 21 pages on “The Crawl of Catchoolu,” the rules for an extremely silly Mythos spoof, where one can find such horrible tomes as “The Pop-Up Book of Forbidden Knowledge” and “The Necronomicomizomicon.” Also included are details of Mousekatonic University in Darkham, MA; horrible creatures such as “Yu-Go, the Fungi from Cleveland,” “Deep Clowns,” “Crisponians” and “The Insanity Loss Results Table” which includes such dire consequences as “Become an accountant” or even “Take up wargaming.”

  • Available for Call of Cthulhu

    • Chaosium:

      g = For Cthulhu by Gaslight
      n = For Cthulhu Now
      d = For (or containing 1 or more adventures set in) Dreamlands

      Some of the following aren’t really game materials, but are included as a possible interest to people who play Call of Cthulhu (The 2 Field Guides actually are, IMHO, great game materials).

      • Runequest - The Gateway Bestiary (June, 1980). This supplement included “Additional Monsters for Runequest,” and was written by Sandy Petersen. It included a chapter of “H.P. Lovecraft Creations” including Deep Ones, Great Race, Mi-Gos, Nightgaunts, Old Ones, Shoggoths, and Spawn of Yog-Sothoth.

      • 2009-X - Call of Cthulhu, first edition.

      • 2009-DX - Call of Cthulhu, Designer’s Edition.

      • 2009-X? - Call of Cthulhu, second edition.

      • 2010 - Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, first edition (1982). A campaign scenario including the following chapters: “The Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight,” “Look to the Future,” “The Coven of Cannich,” “Devil’s Canyon,” “The Worm that Walks,” “The Watchers of Easter Island,” and “The Rise of R’lyeh.” Two bonus scenarios, “The People of the Monolith” and “The Warren” are included as well. [NOTE: This campaign was reprinted in Cthulhu Classics (3301).]

      • 2012 - The Asylum.

      • 2301-X - Call of Cthulhu, third edition (1983, boxed). Includes the second edition rulebook, “A Sourcebook For the 1920’s,” and a folded world map. Brief scenarios include “The Haunted House,” “The Madman,” and “The Brockford House.”

      • 2302 - Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, second edition.

      • 2303 - The Asylum and Other Tales (1983). Scenarios include “The Auction,” “The Madman” (not the same scenario that appeared in the second edition rules book), “Black Devil Mountain,” “The Asylum,” “The Mauretania,” “Gate From the Past,” and “Westchester House.”

      • 2304 - Cthulhu Companion (1983). Scenarios include “Paper Chase,” “The Mystery of Loch Feinn,” “The Rescue,” and “The Secret of Castronegro.” Articles include “The Cthulhu Mythos in Mesoamerican Religion,” “Further Notes on the Necronomicon,” “Sourcebook Additions,” “Rulesbook Additions,” “Excerpts and Prayers,” “Poetry,” and “Sanity Quiz.”

      • 2305 - The Fungi From Yuggoth (1984). A campaign scenario including the following chapters: “The Dreamer,” “The Thing in the Well,” “Castle Dark,” “Sands Of Time,” “Mountains of the Moon,” “By The Bay: Part I,” “By The Bay: Part II,” and “Day of the Beast.” Two optional scenes, “Halls Of Celaeno” and “Voice Out of Time” are included as well.

      • 2306 - Curse of the Cthonians (1984). Scenarios include “Dark Carnival,” “The Curse of Chaugnar Faugn,” “Thoth’s Dagger,” and “The City Without a Name.” Also included is the article, “The Kabbalistic Science of Gematria.”

      • 2307-X - Masks of Nyarlathotep, first printing (1984, boxed). A campaign scenario that includes the following chapters in individual books: “New York,” “London,” “Cairo,” “Kenya,” and “Shanghai.”

      • 2308 - Trail of Tsathogghua (1984). Scenarios include “The Trail of Tsathogghua” and “The Curse of Tsathogghua” (both form a mini-campaign), as well as “The Haunted House” (not the same scenario that appeared in the second edition rules book).

      • 2309 - Keeper’s Screen, first edition (1985).

      • 2310 - Fragments of Fear (1985). Scenarios include “The Underground Menace” and “Valley of the Four Shrines.” Articles include “Call of Cthulhu Questions,” “Ritual Curses,” “Mythos Comparitive Sizes,” “On the Ubiquity of Cthulhu,” “Innsmouth Map,” “Extract: Edward Mordake,” “A Cthulhu Grimoire,” “Lions and Tigers and Bears, etc.,” “Nemesis,” “Size Comparisons,” “Size Comparisons Fold-Out,” and “New Mythos Deities, Races, and Monsters.”

      • 2311 - Alone Against the Wendigo (1985). This is a “Solitaire Adventure in Canada’s Wilds.”

      • 2312 - Alone Against the Dark (1985). This is a globe-spanning solitaire adventure.

      • 2313 - Terror From the Stars (1986). Scenarios include: “The Pits of Bendal Dolum,” “The Temple of the Moon,” “Theron Marks Manual.”

      • 2314-X - Cthulhu by Gaslight (g), first edition (1986, boxed). Includes “A Sourcebook for the 1890s,” “The Yorkshire Horrors,” and a map of London.

      • 2315-X - H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands (d), first edition (1986, boxed). Includes “The Dreamlands,” “Dream Journeys” and a map of the Dreamlands. Scenarios included in “Dream Journeys” include “To Sleep, perchance to Dream,” “Captives of Two Worlds,” “Pickman’s Student,” “Season of the Witch,” “Lemon Sails,” and “The Land of Lost Dreams.”

      • 2316-X - Spawn of Azathoth (d), first edition (1986, boxed). A campaign scenario that includes three books, “From Beyond The Grave,” “The Spawn Approaches,” and “The Azathoth Papers.” “From Beyond The Grave” contains the first scenario, “Providence, R.I.,” while “The Spawn Approaches” contains the remaining scenarios, “Garrison,” “St. Augustine,” “The Andaman Islands,” “Ulthar and Beyond,” “The Eternal Quest,” and “The Spawn of Azathoth.”

      • 2317-H - Call of Cthulhu, third edition (1986, hardback; includes 2304, Cthulhu Companion).

      • 2318 - Statue of the Sorceror/Vanishing Conjurer (with Games Workshop). Includes two independent scenarios.

      • 2319 - Terror Australis (1987). Articles include “The Nation,” “Australian Language,” “The New Ghosts,” “1920s Timeline for Australia,” “The Aboriginals,” and “Creatures From the Dreamtime.” Scenarios include “Pride of Yirrimburra,” “Old Fellow that Bunyip,” and “City Beneath the Sands.”

      • 2320 - Green and Pleasant Land (1987, with Games Workshop). Sourcebook for early 20th-century Britain. Scenarios include “The Horror of the Glen,” “Death in the Post,” and “The Shadow over Darkbank.” Also includes a short story by Brian Lumley, “The Running Man.” [Contributed by: Ed Pflager (epflager@aol.com)]

      • 2321 - The Great Old Ones (1989). Scenarios include “The Spawn,” “Still Waters,” “Tell Me, Have You Seen the Yellow Sign?,” “One in Darkness,” “The Pale God,” and “Bad Moon Rising.”

      • 2322 - Cthulhu Now! (n), first edition (1987). Articles include “Contemporary Investigators,” “New Equipment,” “Firearms,” “Forensic Pathology,” and “Hit Locations.” Scenarios include “The City in the Sea,” “Dreams Dark and Deadly,” “The Killer Out of Space,” and “The Evil Stars.”

      • 2323 - Keeper’s Screen, second edition (1988).

      • 2324 - Call of Cthulhu, fourth edition (1989, softback).

      • 2325 - Arkham Unveiled (1990). Articles include “Orientation,” “A Brief History of Arkham,” “Town Directory,” and “A Guide to Arkham.” Scenarios include “A Little Knowledge,” “The Hills Rise Wild,” “The Condemned,” “Dead of Night.” Also included is a fold-out map of Arkham and a copy of the “Arkham Advertiser” dated Thursday, Oct. 11, 1928.

      • 2326 - At Your Door (n) (1990). Scenarios include “Full Wilderness,” “Landscrapes,” “Dawn Biozyme,” “No Pain, No Gain,” “Where A God Shall Tread,” and “After The Big One.”

      • 2327 - Mansions of Madness (1990). Scenarios include “Mr. Corbitt,” “The Plantation,” “Crack’d and Crook’d Manse,” “The Sanatorium,” and “Mansion of Madness.”

      • 2328 - Fatal Experiments (1990). Scenarios include “Tatterdemalion,” “The Songs of Fantari,” and “The Lurker in the Crypt.” Also included is the article, “New Weapons for Call of Cthulhu.”

      • 2329 - Blood Brothers (1990). Scenarios include “Uncle Timothy’s Will,” “Oath of Blood,” “Nemesis Strikes!,” “The Land That Time Ignored,” “The Mummy’s Bride,” “The Dollmaker,” “Ancient Midget Nazi Shamans,” “Honeymoon in Hell,” “Dead On Arrival,” “The Swarming,” “Spawn of the Deep,” “Trick or Treat,” and “Horror Planet.”

      • 2330 - Return to Dunwich (1991). Articles include “Welcome To Dunwich,” “Secrets of Dunwich,” “The Village,” “A Guidebook To Dunwich Environs,” “The Underground,” “The Dunwich Horror” and “Secrets, Mysteries, Legends, & Rumours.” The only scenario included is “Return To Dunwich,” although there is sufficient material throughout the book for several scenarios. Also included is a fold-out map of the Dunwich area.

      • 2331 - Horror on the Orient Express (1991, boxed). An enormous campaign scenario that includes the following individual books: “Campaign Book,” “Through The Alps,” “Italy & Beyond,” “Constantinople & Consequences,” “Strangers On The Train,” and player handouts. The contents of each book includes:
        • Campaign Book: “The Orient Express,” “Simplon-Orient Express Operations,” and “The Campaign.”
        • Through the Alps: “Dancers in an Evening Fog,” “The Doom Train,” “Les Fleurs du Mal,” “Nocturne,” and “Note for Note.”
        • Italy and Beyond: “Death (and Love) in a Gondola,” “Cold Wind Blowing,” “In a City of Bells and Towers,” and “Little Cottage in the Wood.”
        • Constantinople & Consequences: “Repossession,” “By the Skin of the Teeth,” “Blue Train, Black Night,” and “The Fog Lifts.”
        Also included is a map showing “Routes of the Orient Express,” passports, luggage stickers, “The Scroll of the Head,” “The Sedefkar Simulacrum,” an Orient Express poster, and 4 sheets showing the plans of 12 train cars.

      • 2332 - Dark Designs (1991, g). Scenarios include “Eyes for the Blind,” “The Menace from Sumatra,” and “Lord of the Dance.”

      • 2333 - Kingsport (1991). Articles include “Welcome to Kingsport,” “A Town History,” “The Kingsport Cult,” “A Kingsport Chronology,” “A Guidebook to Kingsport Environs,” and “Plagued by Dreams.” Scenarios include “The House on the Edge,” “Dreams & Fancies,” and “Dead in the Water.” Also included are two fold-out maps of Kingsport; one remains in the book, one is to be removed.

      • 2334 - Tales of the Miskatonic Valley (1991). Scenarios include “Freak Show,” “Regiment of Dread,” “A Painted Smile,” “Watcher in the Valley,” “Fade to Grey,” and “Trail of Yig.”

      • 2335 - Fearful Passages (1992). Scenarios include “Fear of Flying,” “The Iron Ghost,” “Furious Driving,” “Rigid Air,” “Crash Dive,” “Slow Boat,” “Armored Angels,” “Along the Indus,” and “Sleigh Ride.” Also included is the article “Automobile Chase Rules.”

      • 2336 - Call of Cthulhu, fifth edition (1992, softback). Chapters include “Investigators,” “Keeper’s Section,” “Reference Section,” and “Resources Section.”

      • 2337 - The Stars are Right! (n) (1990).

      • 2338 - Escape from Innsmouth (1992). Articles include “Mysterious Innsmouth,” “Welcome to Innsmouth,” “The Shadow Over Innsmouth,” “A Guidebook to Innsmouth & Environs,” and “Sinister Seeds.” Scenarios include “Escape from Innsmouth” and “The Raid on Innsmouth.” This latter scenario has six parts: “Project Covenant,” “The Esoteric Order of Dagon,” “The Marsh Mansion,” “The Smuggler’s Tunnels,” “Devil Reef,” and “Y’ha-nthlei.”

      • 2339 - The Thing at the Threshold (1992). Scenarios include “The Inheritor,” “The Benighted,” and “The Dead Sea.”

      • 2340 - Blood Brothers 2 (1992). Scenarios include “Nightmare in Silence,” “Chateau of Blood,” “An Alien Kicked Sand in My Face,” “Alive and Kicking,” “El Tigre, y la Pir mede de Destrucci¢n,” “The Evil Gun,” “Dead On Arrival 2,” “Carnival Knowledge,” and “Simply Red.”

      • 2342 - Adventures in Arkham Country (1993). Scenarios include “A Happy Family,” “The Whore of Baharna,” “Bless the Beasts and Children,” “The Dark Wood,” and “With Malice Aforethought.”

      • 2343 - 1920s Investigators’ Companion, Volume I (1993). Sections include “The Roaring Twenties,” “Research & Resources,” “Transport & Travel,” and “Equipment & Arms.”

      • 2344 - Keeper’s Compendium (1993). Chapters include “Forbidden Books,” “Secret Cults,” “Alien Races,” and “Mysterious Places.”

      • 2345 - Sacraments of Evil.

      • 2346 - Investigator’s Companion, Volume II: Occupations and Skills (1994).

      • 2347 - The London Guidebook (1996).

      • 2348 - King of Chicago (1994). Articles include “The Role of Prohibition” and “An Economy of Crime.” Scenarios include “The King of Chicago” and “The Secret of Marseilles.”

      • 2349 - Ye Booke of Monstres.

      • 2350 - Call of Cthulhu, fifth edition, (1993, hardback). Previously available only from Wizard’s Attic.

      • 2351 - The Cairo Guidebook (1995). Chapters include “Going to Cairo,” “Welcome,” “The Sights of the City,” “Excursions from Cairo,” “People in Egypt,” and “Gods of Ancient Egypt.”

      • 2352 - Miskatonic University (1995).

      • 2353 - Strange Aeons (1995).

      • 2354 - Taint of Madness (1995).

      • 2355 - 1990’s Handbook (1996).

      • 2356 - The Compact Arkham Unveiled (1996).

      • 2357 - In the Shadows (1996).

      • 2358 - Ye Booke of Monstres II (1996).

      • 2359 - Horror’s Heart

      • 2360 - Utatti Asfet.

      • 2361 - The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep.

      • 2362 - The Compact Trail of Tsathoggua.

      • 3301 - Cthulhu Classics (1989). Scenarios include “Shadows of Yog-Sothoth,” “The Warren,” “The Pits of Bendal-Dolum,” “The Temple of the Moon,” “Dark Carnival,” “The Secret of Castronegro.”

      • 3302 - H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands (d), second edition (1988, softback).

      • 3303 - Cthulhu by Gaslight (g), second edition (1988, softback).

      • 3304 - Masks of Nyarlathotep (second printing, 1989, softback).

      • 3305 - Cthulhu Casebook (1990). Most of the contents were taken from “The Asylum” and “Curse of the Cthonians.” Scenarios include “The Auction,” “The Madman” (not the same scenario that appeared in the second edition rules book, “Black Devil Mountain,” “The Asylum,” “The Mauretania,” “Gate From the Past,” “Westchester House,” “The Curse of Chaugnar Faugn,” and “Thoth’s Dagger.” Articles include “The Ten Commandments of Cthulhu Hunting,” “Sinister Seeds,” “Death Reports,” and “Insta-Plots.”

      • 3306 - Curse of Cthulhu (1990). Most of the contents were taken from “Fungi from Yuggoth” and “Trail of Tsathogghua.”

      • 3307 - Cthulhu Now! (n), second edition (1992, softback).

      • 3308 - H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands (d), second edition (1992, softback).

      • 5101 - Miskatonic U. Graduate Kit (1987). Items include a course catalog from the School of Medieval Metaphysics, a presentation diploma, a diploma frame (cardboard), a student body card, a student ID card, an alumni association card, a restricted stacks library pass, a cafeteria card, a “Cthulhu is Coming” button blank, a parking sticker, a school map place mat, a bumper sticker (possibly inspired by yours truly!), a rear window sticker, and a notepad from Pickman Hall.

      • 5101-M - Master of Arts Diploma.

      • 5101-D - Doctoral Diploma.

      • 5102 - Investigator’s Kit.

      • 5105 - S. Peterson’s Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters (1988). 27 different monsters are illustrated, a relative size chart is given, and a “Scientific Key” allows you to determine the identity of a monster through a series of questions.

      • 5106 - Cthulhu Covers.

      • 5107 - S. Peterson’s Field Guide to Creatures of the Dreamlands (1989). 31 different monsters are illustrated, maps of the Dreamlands are included, and a “Scientific Key” allows you to determine the identity of a monster through a series of questions.

      • 5108 - Keeper’s Kit (1990).

      • 5110 - Keeper’s Kit, fifth edition (1993).

      • 5111 - Investigator Sheets.

      • 5112 - Dire Documents (1993).

      • ? - The Occult.

      • ? - Beyond the Mountains of Madness.

      • ? - Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places (?). This supplement is based on Ramsey Campbell’s mythos tales and focuses on the Severn Valley in England. It was due out in Spring 1993...

      • ? - Arkham Now!

    • Citadel Miniatures:

      • ???? - Call of Cthulhu miniatures

    • Games Workshop (Nottingham, UK):

      • MM1 01029 - Trail of the Loathsome Slime (1985).

      • MM3 01031 - Nightmare in Norway (1985).

      • 4450 - Green and Pleasant Land (1987, with Chaosium).

      • 10176 - Statue of the Sorceror/Vanishing Conjurer (1986, with Chaosium).

      • 10247 - Call of Cthulhu, third edition.

    • Grenadier Games (Pennsylvania, USA):

      • 701 - Horrible Secret of Monhegan Island (1984).

      • 6501 - Adventurers (12 CoC adventurers, minatures).

      • 6502 - Creatures (10 CoC monsters, miniatures).

    • Hero Games (California, USA):

      • ???? - Trail of the Golden Spike (1984)

      • ???? - Lands of Mystery (1985)

    • Pagan Publishing:

      • 1000 - Alone on Halloween (1992). Includes “Alone on Halloween” and “The Old Dark House.”

      • 1001 - Devil’s Children (1993). Includes “Salem 1692” and “Arkham 1992.”

      • 1002 - Walker in the Wastes (1994). Includes “Resources,” “The Dead of Winter,” “Into the Realm of the Wind-Walker,” “Onward to Endurance,” “Secrets of the Kuriles,” “Chirihoi,” “The Camden Project,” “The Osbrook House,” “Camden’s Dark Twin,” “The Flight North,” “A Time for Decisions,” “The Monolith,” “Incident in Iraq,” “Seizing the Tablets,” “Day of Reckoning,” and “Miscellany.”

      • 1003 - Coming Full Circle (1995) Includes scenarios “Cold Spot,” “Remains to be Seen,” “The Whitewood Horror,” and “Full Circle.”

      • 1004 - The Golden Dawn (1996). Includes scenarios “The Room Beyond,” “Hell hath No Fury,” “La Musique de la Nuit,” and “Sheela-na-gig.” Also includes 12 chapters with resource materials on the occult order of The Golden Dawn.

      • ???? - End Time (A seperate roleplaying game from CoC; stands alone; due out 94/95)

      • 2100 - The Resurrected, Volume One: Grace Under Pressure.

      • 2101 - The Resurrected, Volume Two: Of Keys And Gates (1994). Includes “The Travesty,” “The House on Stratford Lane,” “Within You Without You.”

      • ???? - Courting Madness.

      • ???? - Stark Raving Mad!

    • RAFM - Miniatures

      • 2011 - Great Cthulhu
      • 2012 - Lovecraft Country
      • 2901 - Doctor (male), sane & insane (3)
      • 2902 - Professor (male) (3)
      • 2903 - Dilettante (female) (3)
      • 2904 - Student Investigator (male) (3)
      • 2905 - Parapsychologist (female) (3)
      • 2906 - Journalist (male) (3)
      • 2907 - Priest/Exorcist (3)
      • 2908 - Holy Sisters (3)
      • 2909 - Thugs (3)
      • 2910 - Private Investigators (3)
      • 2911 - Soldiers (3)
      • 2912 - Gangsters (3)
      • 2913 - Scotland Yard Trio
      • 2914 - Sinister Scientists
      • 2915 - Crazed Clergy
      • 2916 - Servants and Staff
      • 2917 - Townsfolk
      • 2918 - Police
      • 2921 - Nightgaunt Demonic Servito
      • 2922 - Deep Ones Mutant Fishermen (3)
      • 2923 - Dimensional Shamblers (3)
      • 2924 - Great Race of Yith Alien Being
      • 2925 - Servitors of the Outer God
      • 2926 - Cthonian Giant Worm
      • 2927 - Shoggoth Protoplasmic Horror
      • 2928 - Flying Polyp Aerial Horror
      • 2929 - Formless Spawn of Tsuthoggua
      • 2930 - Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
      • 2931 - Ghouls (varied transformations) (3)
      • 2932 - Byakhee - Hybrid Winged Thing
      • 2933 - Hounds of Tindalos
      • 2934 - Nyarlathotep
      • 2935 - Elder Thing
      • 2936 - Tsathoggua
      • 2937 - Cultists (3)
      • 2938 - Maniacs (3)
      • 2939 - Mi-Go
      • 2940 - Hunting Horror
      • 2941 - Moon Beast
      • 2942 - Ghasts (2)
      • 2943 - Serpentmen (3)
      • 2944 - Sand Dwellers (3)
      • 2945 - Yig
      • 2946 - Gug
      • 2947 - Lesser Other Gods
      • 2948 - Y’Golonac Great Old One
      • 2949 - Leng Spider
      • 2950 - Tcho Tcho People
      • 2951 - Wapir?
      • 2952 - King in Yellow
      • 2970 - MU Expedition to Egypt
      • 2971 - MU Expedition to Antartica
      • 2972 - MU Expedition to the Amazon
      • 2973 - MU Expedition up the Mekong

    • Theatre of the Mind Enterprises (TOME):

      • T-1 - The Arkham Evil. Includes three “interlocking campaigns”: “The Throat of the Beast,” “The Wanderer,” and “And the Dogs Shall Know You.”

      • T-2 - Death In Dunwich (1983). Includes a map of Dunwich and a Keeper’s screen. [Contributed by: Ed Pflager (epflager@aol.com)]

      • T-3 0983 - Pursuit to Kadath. The All Seeing Eye of The Alskali.

      • T-4 128304 - Whispers from the Abyss, and other tales. Includes “On the Wings of Madness,” “De Schip Zonder Schaduw,” and “Whispers from the Abyss.”

      • T-5 070584 - Glozel Est Authentique!. Secrets of the Kremlin.

      • ?????? - The Toy Shop (published ???)

    • Triad Entertainments:

      • 0001 - Lurking Fears (1990). Scenarios include “Rise of the Sleeper,” “Caller in the Desert,” “The Sundial of Amen-Tet,” “Sorrow’s Glen,” “The Starshrine,” and “The Devourer.”

      • 0002 - Grimrock Isle. “A Chilling Solo Adventure and Campaign Book in One.” Although a solitare adventure, a “Group Scenario Book” is included to allow for group play.

      • 0003 - Whispers in the Dark

      • 0004 - Dwellers in the Shadow

      • 0005 - The End of the World

  • Q: What articles have been printed in gaming magazines, which cover the Call of Cthulhu game?

    A: In the list below the following abbreviations may be used:

    CBG: Cthulhu by Gaslight
    CN: Cthulhu Now
    GPL: Green and Pleasant Land

    • Adventurer (???)

      • #1 - “White Fire” (??, pp 28-34), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s England

      • #3 - “Mylakhrion the Immortal” (Brian Lumley, pp 38-40), Fiction; “Horrific Routes in Role Playing” (Dave Lock, p41), Article: Horror writers (including Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, M.R. James etc); “Whiplash” (Warren Ellis, Stewart Johnson, pp 55-57), Comic strip; “Cults of Cthulhu” (AJ Bradbury, pp 60-62), Article: Setting up cults in CoC; “Beyond the Facade” (AJ Bradbury, p63), Article: Sample cult and scenario cameo

      • #6 - “Whiplash” (Warren Ellis, Stewart Johnson, pp 54-56), Comic strip

      • #7 - “Religion in Fantasy Gaming” (Robert Blinkhorn, pp 34-35), Article: Religions in CoC; “Return to Arkham” (Brian Lumley, Carl Ford, pp 52-55), Comic strip

      • #11 - “Whiplash” (Warren Ellis, Stewart Johnson, pp 52-54), Comic strip

    • Adventures Unlimited

      • #2

      • #3

      • #4

      • #5

    • Challenge (GDW)

      • #?? - “Cthulhu: 1889,” Article: rules for CoC/ Space 1889 crossover

      • #46 - “The Space Eaters” (FP Kiesche III, pp 76-79), Article: Stats for ‘The Space Eaters’ (lesser indep race) from Frank Belknap Long’s story of same name, “The Horror Out of Partridgeville” (FP Kiesche III, pp 80-84), Scenario: 1920, US (uses ‘The Space Eaters’).

      • #48 - “The Bayou Ritual” (James L Cambais, pp 68-70), Scenario: Louisiana, 1920’s/ 30’s

      • #56 - “The Horror on the Borderland” (Jane M Lindskold, pp 60-64), Scenario: Ireland, any period. Based on William Hope Hodgson’s “The House on the Borderland”

      • #58 - “Ghost Writer” (James L. Cambias, pp 48-54), Scenario: Boston, 1925

      • #61 - “Video Nightmare” (Patrick Sheats, pp 62-67), Scenario: CN, urban environment

      • #62 - “Dark Side of the Force” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 40-43), Scenario: CN, London (or any large city)

      • #63 - “From the Trenches” (Adam Geibel, pp 60-63), Scenario: 1920’s Arkham

      • #64 - “Valley of Twisted Apes” (Paul Sudlow, pp 28-31), Scenario: CBG/ 1920’s Java

      • #65 - “Curse of the Centuries” (JB Hill, pp 52-55), Scenario: 1920’s/ any

      • #66 - “Cthaat Aquadingen” (Keith M Frye, pp 74-77), Article: MS description; spell info; adventure ideas

      • #67 - “Death on the Docks” (Robert James Christensen, pp 72-78), Scenario: CBG, London

    • Chaosium Digest (Shannon Appel) - This is a weekly e-mail digest for people to exchange ideas on all of Chaosium’s games. See the “Internet” part of this FAQ for details on subscribing.

    • Different Worlds (Chaosium)

      • #35 - Special Horror Issue: “More Magic for Call of Cthulhu,” “Blame it on Cthulhu,” “Death Scenes” - This article, written by Sandy Petersen, was later incorporated into the “Cthulhu Companion” by Chaosium, “????” - A Super-hero adventure against a Dhole

      • #41 - “Dreamworld,” “Losing Your Marbles in Call of Cthulhu”

    • Dragon Magazine (TSR)

      • #95 - “Prices for the Roaring 20’s” (2 pages) - Prices for miscellaneous things in the 1920’s, from clothing to hardware; from kitchen gadgets to camping gear.

      • #126 - “A Ghastly Grimoire” (3 pages) - New spells for CoC: Activate Eidolon, Blur Form, Brew Anagathic, Earthquake, Horror Stench, Suspend Animation, Terror Wail, Yellow Sign

      • #139 - “Speaking with the Spirits” (5 pages) - Outlines rules for ‘more mundane occult practices’, like seances, possession, exorcism. Originally part of the ‘Spiritualist’ section of ‘Cthulhu by Gaslight’, it was cut due to space restrictions.

      • #150 - “The Well Rounded Monster Hunter” (4 pages) - New skills for CoC: Fine Art Knowledge, Cryptography, Drafting, Impersonation, Mathematics, Painting, Philosophy, Play Instrument, Sculpture, Specialization. “Unspeakable Secrets Made Easy” (4 pages) - Six new Mythos Tomes for CoC: Book of Elder Aeons, El Codigo de Uxmal, The Uxmal Codes, Demon Gods of Mu, Magic and Mystery of Mu, Mu: Lost Land of the Pacific

      • #158 - “Role Playing Reviews” (7 pages) - A review of CoC fourth edition, and a review of the re-prints of old favorite modules

      • #186 - “Role Playing Reviews” (1 page) - A review of CoC fifth edition

      • #198 - “The Dragon Project: Mr. Josh Wellmeat” (4 pages) - A CoC adventure, with the loose concept of a ‘dragon’ introduced into the game. More of a character sketch than a detailed module, but still very interesting.

      • #223 - “The Right Monster For the Right Adventure,” by Gregory W. Detwiler. Contains a list of creatures from the COC fifth Edition rulebook and gives suggestions for scenarios appropriate to each.

    • Fantasy Chronicles (???)

      • #5 - “The Word Stones” (Pete Tamlyn, Graeme Davis, pp 13-16), Scenario: 1926, England; “You’ll Soon Be Better” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 19-20), Article: Insanity in CoC; “Sister City” (Brian Lumley, pp 27-32), Fiction

      • #8 - “The House of Cthulhu” (Brian Lumley, pp 29-32), Fiction

    • Games Master International (???)

      • #10, May ’91 - “Kick Off” (Steve Hatherley, pp 42-46), Article: Starting off adventures

      • #12, July ’91 - “Snakes Alive” (Lucya Szachowski, pp 52-54), Article: Snakes in RPGs

      • #13, August ’91 - ?? (Lucya Szachowski, pp ??), Article: Rules for using snakes in RPGs

      • #15, October ’91 - “The Reptile House” (Lucya Szachowski, pp 28-33), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s America (uses info in #12-13)

    • Gamesman (???)

      • #6 - “Vanishing Point” (??, pp 62-65), Scenario: Generic sci-fi horror game, but uses the Cthulhu Mythos

    • Imagine (TSR/UK)

      • #13 - Horror Special

      • #28 - “The Masked Avengers” (Paul Mason, pp 2-3), Article: Intro to Pulp RPGs; “The Cthulhu Mythos” (David Hill, pp 20-23), Article: Intro to the Mythos (covering Lovecraft and other contributors); “A Nice Night for Screaming” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 25-), Scenario: ???; “The English Daredevil” (Chris Felton, pp 34-35), Article: 1920’s/ 30’s British characters (not specifically CoC).

    • The Last Province (???)

      • #1 - “Angular Dreams” (Angus Boylan, pp 36-48), Scenario: CN

      • #3 - “Kastajhan’s Carpet” (Steve Hatherley, pp 49-51), Scenario: multi-system cameo

      • #5 - “Getting the Creeps” (Caroline Dunford, pp 48-52), Article: Building and maintaining atmosphere in Horror games.

    • Polyhedron Magazine (TSR)

      • #44 - “Playing the Alien” (2 pages) - Covers the very interesting idea of having one of your players be ‘dislodged’ by a Great Race of Yith. Lots of information in these 2 pages.

    • Pyramid (Steve Jackson Games)

      • #1 - “Voodoo” (Derek Pearcy, pp 37-45), Article: Voodoo in RPGs (not specifically CoC)

    • Red Giant (???)

      • #1 - “Mummerset Revisited” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 18-23), Article: 1920’s/ 30’s British slang (see the article in White Dwarf #90).

      • #2 - “Money, Money, Money” (Jim Webster, pp 59-60), Article: Sources of income for investigators, with cameo scenario.

    • Role Player Independent (Symbiosis Publishing)

      • Volume 1, #1, December ’92 - “Absolute and Utter Cthulhu” (Jim Johnston, pp 10-16), Article: CoC scenario generator

      • Volume 1, #2 - “Cthulhu Punk” (Darren Graham, pp 13-17), Article: Using the Cthulhu Mythos in Cyperpunk games; “The Taint of Dracula” (Jim Johnston, Colin Thompson, 31-38), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s. 3 part scenario covers the survival of Dracula, and his revenge on his attackers. Adventure sites in England, Paris, Transylvania.

      • Volume 1, #3 - “Lord Arthur Godalming’s Crime” (Johnston, Thompson, 31-38), Scenario: continuation of “The Taint of Dracula” in #1(2); “French Justice” (J Johnston, C Thompson, p45), Article: Description of the French Judicial System, for use in the above (Dracula) scenario.

      • Volume 1, #4 - “The Dead Travel Fast” (J Johnston, C Thompson, pp 31-39), Scenario: Final part of Dracula scenario in #1(2-3).

      • Volume 1, #5 - “The MoonLens” (James Brunton, pp 19-23), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s England

      • Volume 1, #7 - “The Persian Club” ?? (Neal Coates ??, pp ??), Article: A sample cult for CoC ??

      • Volume 1, #10 - “Let Me Introduce You” (Neal Coates, pp 8-10), Scenario ideas for the Persian Club in #1(7); “Catching Jack” (Peter Brown, pp 18-21), Scenario: CBG London (Jack the Ripper)

      • Volume 1, #12 - “The Old Serpent” (J Johnston, C Thompson, pp 29-36), Scenario: Part 1 (of 3); 1939, many adventure sites

      • Volume 2, #1 - “The Old Serpent” (J Johnston, C Thompson, pp 29-33), Scenario: Part 2; 1939 (see #1(12))

    • The Scream Factory (Deadline Press)

      • #12 - Issue on Call of Cthulhu

      • #13 - Press release announcing “Cthulhupunk”

    • Shadis

      • #13

      • #17

      • #20.5

      • #26

      • #27

    • Spacegamer (???)

      • Oct/Nov 1989 - “Faulty Magic in Call of Cthulhu” (1 page, large print)

    • The Unspeakable Oath (Pagan Publishing) - Since this magazine is dedicated to the Call of Cthulhu game, it is probably safe to say any issue is full of articles pertaining to the game. The information below comes from both the digital versions of TUO, and the Pagan Pub catalog. Issues 5-9 are 80 pages each.

      • #5. A special British issue whose contents include:
        Columns: “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” “Scream and Scream Again,” “A Tale of Terror: Scarlet Fever,” “The Paranoia Files,” “Mysterious Manuscripts,” “The Eye of Light and Darkness,” “The Case of Mark Edward Morrison,” “A Tale of Terror: Something In Stone,” and “Message in a Bottle.”
        Articles: “European Automobiles, 1893-1940,” “Prices on the Orient Express,” “The Dark Streets of London,” “Gaslight Ghouls,” “Mysteries of Ancient Britain,” “It’s Badlam In Here!,” and “Leather On Willow.”
        Scenarios: “The Beast in the Abbey” and “The Lambton Worm.”

        Written almost entirely by British authors. Gives good ideas about running CoC in Great Britain. Topics include ley lines, barrow mounds, the Ottery Tar Barrels. 2 scenarios and a Great Britain map.

      • #6. Contents include:
        Columns: “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” “Scream and Scream Again,” and “Message in a Bottle.”
        Also included is a special “Call of Cthulhu 5-1/2” section with additions to the fifth edition of CoC. Sections include: “Introduction,” “Creation,” “Skills,” “Sanity,” “Lunatic Asylums In the Twenties,” and “Spells”
        A campaign using “The Randolph Pierce Foundation” and a scenario entitled “Blood on the Tracks” are also included.

      • #7
        • Lengthy addtion to Randolph Pierce Foundation
        • Detailed look at The Last Dawn
        • Modern-day Cyberpunk/Call of Cthulhu crossover adventure

      • #8/#9. Contents of this double issue include:
        Columns: “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” “Scream and Scream Again,” “The Paranoia Files,” “The Case of Mark Edward Morrison,” “Mysterious Manuscripts,” “The Eye of Light & Darkness,” “A Tale Of Terror: Dreamfires,” “A Tale Of Terror: Headaches,” and “Message In A Bottle.”
        Articles: “Loathsome Lead,” “Jacob’s Forge,” “CoC5«: Resources,” and “The Randolph Pierce Foundation.”
        Scenarios: “Fear of Falling,” “Dark Harvest,” “Albert Pitler,” and “What Goes Around, Comes Around.”
        April Fools Special - The Unmentionable Odor: “How To Be a Cultist,” “The Paranoid Guy,” “The Cthulhu Encounter Problem-Solver,” “R’lyeh,” and “I Was A Teenage Cthulhu Chaser!.”
        Other Special Features: “Bitter Bones & Horrors” and “Mythos Mail Order.”

      • #10. Contents include:
        Columns: “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” “Scream and Scream Again,” “The Paranoia Files,” “The Case of Mark Edward Morrison,” “The Eye of Light & Darkness,” “A Tale Of Terror: The Specimen,” “Mysterious Manuscript: The Voynich Manuscript,” “A Tale Of Terror: Natasha,” “Mysterious Manuscript: The Testament of Fascination & Survival,” and “Message In A Bottle.”
        Interview: “Call of Cthulhu’s High Priest of Fear: Keith Herber.”
        Features: “The Crucifix & The Crucible,” “Trouble in Budapest,” “Esoterica: What The Deities Mean,” and “Quirk Skills.”
        Scenarios: “All Good Children” and “In Media Res.”

      • #11. Contents include:
        Columns: “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” “Scream and Scream Again,” “The Paranoia Files,” “The Case of Mark Edward Morrison,” “The Eye of Light & Darkness,” “Mysterious Manuscript: The Lost Notebook of Diedrich Knickerbocker,” “A Tale Of Terror: Babysitter Wanted, No Experience Necessary,” “Mysterious Manuscript: Terror of the Old Ones,” “A Tale Of Terror: The Author,” and “Message In A Bottle.”
        Features: “Esoterica: Nan Matol,” “HPL On Film,” “Horror 101: Five Fave Flicks To Make You A Better Keeper,” “In Media Res: Live-Action RPG Report.”
        Scenarios: “Cold War” and “Two Minutes On High.”

    • Vortex (???)

      • #8 - “Adding Depth to the Illusion” (D Hanse, pp 4-9), Article: Creating and using props for modern investigative games (not specifically CoC, but especially relevant to Cthulhu Now); “Burnout” (??, pp 10-11), Article: Enchanted braziers for CoC

    • White Dwarf (Games Workshop)

      • July 83, #42 - “Cthulhu Now!” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 10-11), Article: CoC in the 1980’s, Pt 1: skills and weapons

      • August 83, #43 - “Cthulhu Now!” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 10-11), Article: CoC in the 1980’s (see #42), Pt 2: mini scenario outlines

      • February 84, #50 - “The Watchers of Walberswick” (Jon Sutherland, pp 20-22), Scenario: England (east coast), 1934

      • August 84, #56 - “The Last Log,” Adventure set in the 23rd century. Well detailed, but designing future events & adventures will place a burden on a Keeper who wants to run a campaign.

      • December 84, #60 - “The Bleeding Stone of Iphtah,” Adventure. Leaves many details up to the Keeper, but does give ideas for expansion.

      • February 85, #62 - “Crawling Chaos” (ed Marc Gascoigne) (Peter Gilham, p39), Article: stats for Bokrug (lesser indep race) and Thuun’ha (lesser servitor race) from Lumley’s “Beneath the Moors”

      • March 85, #63 - “Draw the Blinds on Yesterday” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 26-32), Scenario: CN, England

      • April 85, #64 - “Bearers of the Mark” (Steve Williams, Mike White, p43), Article: secret marks (administered by a cult to control members and attack enemies), “Tabletop Heroes” (Joe Dever, Gary Chald, pp 44-45), Article: painting ideas for CoC monster figures

      • May 85, #65 - “Tabletop Heroes” (Joe Dever, Gary Chalk, pp 44-45), Article: painting ideas for CoC monster & char figs

      • June 85, #66 - “Once Risen, Twice Shy” (Steve Williams, Barney Stone, p17), Article: PC handouts for Lovecraft’s “The Lurking Fear,” “The Horse of the Invisible” (AJ Bradbury, pp 22-26), Scenario: 1920’s/30’s England, based on William Hope Hodgson story of same name.

      • July 85, #67 - “Haunters of the Dark” (Graeme Davis, pp 6-8), Article: Ghosts in CoC

      • August 85, #68 - “Haunters of the Dark” (Graeme Davis, p18), Article: Mechanics for Hypnotism and Exorcism. Clergymen in CoC

      • September 85, #69 - “The Surry Enigma” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 22-26), Scenario: 1923, England

      • October 85, #70 - “The Price is Right” (Marcus L Rowland, p13), Article: prices in 1920’s Britain

      • November 85, #71 - “Cults of the Dark Gods” (Andy Bradbury, pp 16-17), Article discussing actual cults and groups in historical terms, interpreting them a la Cthulhu.

      • December 85, #72 - “Fear of Flying” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 15-17), Scenario: 1920’s England. (This is the original version of that in Fearful Passages). “Recommended Reading” (JG Cadera, p39), Article: Gemhetep Papyrus, Sphingien MS

      • January 86, #73 - “Cults of the Dark Gods” (Andy Bradbury, pp 40-41), Article: pseudo history of Templar Descendents - Freemasons, Illuminati etc. (see #71)

      • February 86, #74 - “Gentlemen and Players” (Chris Elliot, Richard Edwards, pp42-), Article: British PCs for 1920’s/ 30’s (updated in GPL).

      • March 86, #75 - “The Heart of the Dark,” Adventure. Covers three locations- London, Arkham, and Transylvania. Gives three possible endings, depending on the nature of the campaign run and the whim of the Keeper.

      • May 86, #77 - “The Cars that Ate Sanity” (Marcus L Rowland, p50), Article: Mechancs for 1920’s/ 30’s car chases

      • July 86, #79 - “Ghost Jackal Kill” (Graeme Davis, pp 29-35), Scenario: San Fransisco, 1924 (offers prequel to “The Statue of the Sorceror,” GW) NB: The Brabin House is in SF, not LA (correction in #82)

      • August 86, #80 - “Things Ancient and Modern” (Graham Staplehurst, pp 27-37), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s and AD&D (pt 1)

      • September 86, #81 - “Things Ancient and Modern” (Graham Staplehurst, pp 19-24), Scenario: 1920’s/ 30’s and AD&D (pt 2), “The Sorceror’s Book” (Brian Lumley, pp 26-30), Fiction

      • November 86, #83 - “And then Everything went Black...” (Marcus L Rowland, p37), Article: Stuns/Knockouts in CoC

      • February 87, #86 - “Curse of the Bone” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 8-15), Scenario: CN, London

      • March 87, #87 - “With a Pinch of Salt” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 18-21), Article: Zombies in CoC

      • April 87, #88 - “The Paddington Horror” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 12-15), Scenario: 1920’s London

      • May 87, #89 - “Be Afraid ... Be VERY Afraid” (Carl Sargent, pp 12-14), Article: Additional phobias

      • June 87, #90 - “Green and Pleasant Language” (Marcus L Rowland, pp 12-13), Article: 1920’s/ 30’s British Slang (Missing from GPL), “The Ley of the Land” (Graham Staplehurst, pp 58-62), Article: An investigation of ancient monuments (Multi-system, including CoC)

      • July 87, #91 - “Ghosties and Ghoulies and ... Squid?” (Nicholson, pp 12-14), Article: General info on Lovecraft and Cthulhu Mythos, “A Hard Act to Follow” (Mark Lee, pp 56-57), Article: Public Order in 1920’s/ 30’s Britain

      • September 87, #93 - “Letters from a Foreign Land” (Graham Staplehurst, pp 58-68), Scenario: 1920’s Roumania (for CoC; also for MERP and WFRP)

      • October 87, #94 - “Situations Vacant” (Robert Avery, Phil Roe, pp 43-46), Article: new investigator careers

      • January 86, #99 - “Spirit of the Mountain” (Graeme Davis, pp 43-54), Scenario: CBG or 1920’s/ 30’s Arizona

    • White Wolf (???)

      • #12 - “The Knocking Box” (Michael de Wolfe, pp 4-8), Scenario: 1920’s, train journey

      • #28 - “The Key and the Gate” (J Tweet, M Rein Hagen, pp 19-26), Scenario: 1920’s/30’s Arkham

      • #29 - “All Horror is Mythos Horror” (S John Ross, pp 6-7), Article: Using traditional horror elements in CoC; “Scope of Magic” (Wayne Ligon, pp 8-12), Article: New spells and items

  • Q: What computer games are available based on Lovecraft or the Mythos?

    A: A few computer text and graphic adventures have been based on Lovecraft’s works.

    • Alone In the Dark (I-Motion/Interplay) - This is a graphic adventure made by a French company that recently made its way over here. It says on the box: “A virtural adventure inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.” Set in the 20s at a haunted house in Louisiana (!). Very well done and quite creepy! Its sequel, “Alone in the Dark 2,” is not based on any Lovecraftian elements.

      “I’ve got them both [Lurking Horror and Alone in the Dark], and think they are VERY good at evoking the mood of a mythos-based story. I highly recommend them both to any HPL fan.” - Jeff (jeffo@INTERNIC.NET)

    • Daughter of Serpents (Millennium Interactive Limited) - Although the box to this game never mentions Lovecraft, the instruction manual states: “Daughter of Serpents was written as an original contribution to the Cthulhu Mythos.” The game is very attractive, although the storyline is a bit forced. It was designed by the same team that made “The Hound of Shadow,” but is far more sophisticated.

    • The Hound of Shadow (Eldritch Games, Ltd.) - Published in England, distributed by Electronic Arts. Graphic/text adventure set in 1920’s. Specifically mentions “the sinister world of H.P. Lovecraft.”

    • The Lurking Horror (Infocom) - An all-text adventure set in the present at a university inspired both by Miskatonic University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is available in “The Lost Treasures of Infocom” collections.

      “I’ve got them both [Lurking Horror and Alone in the Dark], and think they are VERY good at evoking the mood of a mythos-based story. I highly recommend them both to any HPL fan.” - Jeff (jeffo@INTERNIC.NET)

    • Prisoner of Ice (I-Motion/Infogrames) - Like its predecessor, “Shadow of the Comet,” this graphic adventure game is licensed through Chaosium. It takes place in the Antarctic and has elements reminiscent of At the Mountains of Madness. The game supports SVGA (640x480x256) and has some very attractive animations.

    • Quake (id)—Quake has a number of Lovecraftian influences, including such creatures as Shub-Niggurath. Sandy Petersen, the creator of the “Call of Cthulhu” role-playing game, is a developer at id.

    • Shadow of the Comet (I-Motion/Infogrames) - Licensed through Chaosium, this graphic adventure game takes place in the town of “Illsmouth,” and plays like a CoC adventure. Occasionally, there are flaws in the game design (like forcing the player to use the keyboard when they’ve been using the mouse throughout the game thus far), but it’s still a very entertaining game.

  • Q: Are any Call of Cthulhu games available vie the internet (PBEM, MOO, MUSH, etc)?

    A: See the “Internet” part of this FAQ.

  • Q: What music do Call of Cthulhu Keepers recommend as background music for playing Call of Cthulhu?

    A: See the “Other Media” part of this FAQ.

End of Part 5 of the alt.horror.cthulhu FAQ, “Games.”

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