This portion of the alt.horror.cthulhu FAQ was brought to you by Donovan K. Loucks
- Q: What is a FAQ?
A: A FAQ is a list of the “Frequently Asked Questions” for a
particular Usenet group on the Internet. It is set up like you see here,
with questions and answers, which basically prevent people from having to
repeatedly answer the Frequently Asked Questions (by new users
- Q: How will this FAQ be organized?
A: Basically, this FAQ will be organized by subject matter, with
each subject being uploaded to the internet as an individual posting.
Thus, to get the whole FAQ you need to download each part. This is to
allow people to pick and choose those FAQ subjects which interest them,
and skip those which do not.
This FAQ is slightly different than others on the internet, in that it
contains MUCH more than just “Frequently Asked Questions.” It also
contains lists of information which people familiar with H.P. Lovecraft
and the Cthulhu Mythos find interesting, thus making it a fairly lengthy
set of files.
Note: All addresses for companies or organizations are listed in one
question in the “General” part of the
Anytime that a question mark (?) appears in the FAQ, that means that the
information has not been verified, or is somehow in question. If you have
verifiable info on anything tagged with a ‘?’, please e-mail that info to
me, and I will try to fix it for the next FAQ posting.
- Q: What are the sections of the FAQ?
A: The FAQ sections are:
- Q: What questions are in the FAQ?
A: By section, the following questions are asked and answered in
the FAQ:
- About the FAQ
- What is a FAQ?
- How will this FAQ be organized?
- What are the sections of the FAQ?
- What questions are in the FAQ?
- How do I get a copy of the entire FAQ?
- Will you E-mail me the FAQ?
- Who contributed to this FAQ?
- Are all of the credited things above in this FAQ?
- What areas will be covered in the future?
- What subjects are unavailable at this time?
- General
- What is this newsgroup about?
- What is Cthulhu?
- How is “Cthulhu” pronounced?
- Who is H.P. Lovecraft?
- Where is H.P. Lovecraft buried?
- Where does August Derleth stand in all this?
- Does anyone actually take Mythos fiction as fact?
- What are the addresses of companies in the FAQ?
- Written Works
- What stories did Lovecraft write?
- Which of these are considered Mythos tales?
- What stories should I begin with?
- What other Mythos writers are there?
- What are the “posthumous collaborations”?
- Where can I find Lovecraftian fiction?
- Where can I find a bibliography of works?
- Where can I get Lovecraft’s letters?
- Why is volume III so hard to get?
- Where can I find a biography of Lovecraft?
- What is the Lovecraft Transcription project?
- What magazines discuss Lovecraft and his writings?
- Movies and Television
- What Lovecraftian movies have been made?
- What television shows have Mythos references?
- What publications have descriptions of movies?
- Games
- What board/card games are available?
- What role-playing games are available?
- Available for Call of Cthulhu
- Game Magazines
- Computer Games
- Games on the Internet?
- Music for CoC
- Other Media
- What radio shows have included Lovecraft or the Mythos?
- What Lovecraft or Mythos stories are books on tape?
- What music is available with Mythos references?
- What music do Coc players recommend as background?
- What comic books have included Lovecraft stories?
- Fun merchandise
- Internet
- Newsgroups
- FTP sites
- World Wide Web Sites
- Mailing Lists
- IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
- Other Sources?
- Games on the Internet?
- Mythos Lore
- What towns did Lovecraft base his locations on?
- Who are the ‘Great Old Ones’?
- What various manifestations has Nyarlathotep taken?
- Where can I get a copy of the Necronomicon?
- What is the etymology of the word “Necronomicon”?
- How about the Unaussprechlicken Kulten?
- What events occurred in the Mythos universe?
- Q: How do I get a copy of the entire FAQ?
A: There are several ways to obtain the FAQ, including:
- Anonymous FTP: Using anonymous FTP lets you access Primenet’s FTP
server directly—this is where the FAQ is kept. It can be found in the
“users/d/dloucks/ahc” directory and is stored in 9 parts. Here are the
Machine: | |
Login: | anonymous |
Password: | <your e-mail
address> |
Directory: | users/d/dloucks/ahc |
Files: | all files
beginning with “ahcfaq”: |
ahcfaq0.txt_Mini-FAQ | The Mini-FAQ |
ahcfaq1.txt_About | About, Sections,
Credits |
ahcfaq2.txt_General | Newsgroup, Cthulhu, HPL,
Addresses |
ahcfaq3.txt_Writings | Stories, Letters, Mags,
Biblio. |
ahcfaq4.txt_Movies_TV | Movies, Television, Books
Regarding |
ahcfaq5.txt_Games | Board/Card,
Roleplaying, Magazines |
ahcfaq6.txt_Other_Media | Radio, Books on Tape, Music, Comics |
ahcfaq7.txt_Internet | Newsgroups, FTP, WWW,
ahcfaq8.txt_Mythos_Lore | Locales, Entities, Tomes, Timeline |
Also, a ZIPped file called “” contains all 9 parts.
- The World Wide Web: Any web browswer can be used to access the FAQ.
You may either use your web browser to obtain the FAQ via FTP, or you may
access it via The H.P. Lovecraft Archive.
FTP site:
WWW site:
- E-mail Bots: For those who don’t have FTP or WWW access, you can have
portions of the FAQ e-mailed to you automatically by my e-mail bots. This
process only requires that you send me ( an e-mail
message with a particular Subject line. When your incoming message is
detected by my e-mail bot, it will e-mail the appropriate section of the
FAQ to you, and discard your message. With that in mind, don’t
bother sending any messages with contents, because I’ll never get it.
Also, since the mailbot handles everything automatically, don’t hesitate
to request all the parts of the FAQ. Here’s a list of the exact
Subject lines and what each gets you:
Subject | What it gets
you |
FAQ: Part 0 | Answers to the top questions
asked |
FAQ: Part 1 | About the FAQ (outline and
credits) |
FAQ: Part 2 | General (Cthulhu, Lovecraft,
addresses) |
FAQ: Part 3 | Written Works (stories, biblio,
bio, letters) |
FAQ: Part 4 | Movies and
Television |
FAQ: Part 5 | Games (board, card, role-playing,
computer) |
FAQ: Part 6 | Other Media (radio, tape, music,
comics, etc.) |
FAQ: Part 7 | Internet (newsgroups, FTP, WWW,
MUDs) |
FAQ: Part 8 | Mythos Lore (towns, entities,
tomes, timeline) |
FAQ: Mini-FAQ | Answers to the top questions asked |
- Q: Will you e-mail me the FAQ?
A: In general, no, due to time constraints. Anyone who has e-mail
access can obtain the FAQ using my e-mail bots. If you’ve tried every
other available method of getting the FAQ (FTP, WWW, e-mail bots) and have
still had no success, I’ll e-mail you the FAQ.
- Q: Who contributed to this FAQ?
A: This is (to me) the most important answer in this whole FAQ. As
such, I hope to Cthulhu that I don’t leave anyone out. If I do,
please shout at me and I will make a formal apology, as well as
righting the FAQ. I have tried to include everyone who gave input, even if
it was a repeat of other peoples stuff, or if I already had the info. I
feel that each effort deserves applause.
I’ve included only names in this list. If you want to know who
contributed what, e-mail me and request the more extensive
The contributors were (in alphabetical order):
- Q: Are all of the credited things above in this FAQ?
A: If the appropriate section (i.e. General, Fiction, Movies, etc.)
has been posted, then that credit should be in there. If I haven’t
finished the appropriate section yet, the credited item will be contained
within it.
- Q: What areas will be covered by future contributors?
A: I have received notes from people who are interested in doing
FAQ lists around specific areas of Lovecraft or Cthulhu stuff. I will
list only the topics, and not their potential contributors, in case anyone
is unable to contribute what they hoped to:
- Books by Lovecraft; Books by other authors
- Anthologies of short stories
- Q: What subjects have people asked to see, but are not
available at this time?
A: There are a few obscure items that seem to have been touched
upon, but not followed through. If anyone wants to tackle them, I’d love
to see it.
- Historical veracity and ficticious detailing of the numerous tomes
mentioned in Lovecraft (et al) stories.
- ISBN numbers of the books in the bibliographies
- Historical information on deities/locations (i.e. Stonehenge, Easter
Island, Nodens, etc) and the relation between reality and their ficticious
- Timeline (partially done)
End of Part 1 of the alt.horror.cthulhu FAQ, “About the FAQ.”