Due to the effort involved in making a list of all the characters in Lovecraft’s works, we
haven’t created our own list just yet. However, there are guides of this sort already
available on the web, which are listed below. In addition to these, good glossaries of Lovecraft
characters include “An Encyclopedia of Characters and Monsters” in Philip A.
Shreffler’s The H.P. Lovecraft Companion as well as Daniel Harms’
Encyclopedia Cthulhiana.
- The Cthulhu Lexicon (Jim Hawley): This lexicon includes references to
“people, places, creatures, and artifacts identified in the many stories of H.P.
Lovecraft” as well as other stories considered to be part of the “Cthulhu
Mythos.” These pages are part of Jim’s
The NetherReal.
- Cthulhu Universalis
(Joseph F. Morales): This guide lists people, places, creatures, books, and so on, mentioned in
those stories written by “the first generation of ‘Cthulhu Mythos’
writers.” These writers include H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Bloch, August Derleth, Robert E.
Howard, Henry Kuttner, Frank Belknap Long, Duane W. Rimel, Richard F. Searight, J. Vernon Shea,
and Clark Ashton Smith.